Kevin Mercadante

How Life Insurance with No Medical Exam Works

Life insurance with no medical exam doesn't mean your health isn't taken into consideration - the company just uses other means of obtaining that information. Also, it is usually more expensive, has a lower death benefit, and a shorter-term than traditionally underwritten policies. If possible, your best bet is likely to take the exam - but if that isn't possible there are companies that will still insure you.

Is Wise a Legit Way to Send Money Internationally?

Transferwise is an inexpensive and reliable way to send money internationally. It uses real currency values, not inflated ones, so you aren't paying extra. You'll pay the exchange rate plus a transfer fee. It's available in more than 70 countries uses more than 50 currencies,

The Motley Fool vs. Morningstar – Which is the Best Stock Picking Service?

If you’re oriented toward self-directed investing, and you just want investment assistance - as well as a platform where you can track your holdings - you’ll favor Morningstar. But if you’re looking for specific investment recommendations, one of the four advisory services offered by The Motley Fool will likely be the better choice.

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