2024 Tax Center

H&R Block Review 2024

H&R Block has been doing taxes since 1955 and has 60,000 tax pros with an average of 10 years of experience. With their many service levels from complete DIY to online assist to fully in-person with a tax pro, you can be sure you are getting exactly what you need without overpaying.

How Are Dividends Taxed?

There are two types of dividends - ordinary and qualified. Ordinary dividends are taxed like income. Qualified dividends are taxed as long term capital gains. The rate you pay for long term capital gains depends on your income but will be between 0 and 20%.

TaxAct Review 2024: Quality Service, Average Pricing

While TaxAct doesn't have all the bells and whistles of other tax software out there it is generally cheaper to file with them. If you don't need extras, such as one on one support or audit assistance you may want to consider TaxAct. They offer a free version for simple returns and several other levels of service depending on how complicated your taxes are.

The Best Tax Software for 2024

Which tax software to choose depends on your specific situation. If you have a simple return in only one state you can likely get your taxes done for free with TurboTax or Cash App Taxes. But if things are more complicated or you want live help from a tax expert then you'll want an upgraded package as you can find with H&R Block.

What Is the IRS Phone Number to Talk to a Person?

Reaching a live person at the IRS can be tough, but it can be done. If you are having trouble, try calling your local office. The wait times might be shorter and you can make an appointment to meet with an advocate. Also, calling after 5 pm on Friday may be your shortest wait time.

How Does the Gift Tax Work?

Ever wonder how the gift tax works? If you have a potentially large estate, see how much can you give someone before it triggers an IRS form. You can use gifts to reduce that future tax burden!

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