Save Money

How to Buy, Gift, or Give Stocks to Kids

Buying company stock as a Christmas or birthday gift for your child won’t match the sizzle of some hot new toy. But the gift of stock is an opportunity to change the child’s future direction. If they don’t “get it” now, they almost certainly will in a few years.

How Much Money Should You Save Each Month?

If you’ve never been a regular saver but you’ve decided that now is the time, you may be wondering how much money you should save each month? This article explores two of the most common savings strategies. The one you choose will depend upon how much you need to save and how quickly you need to do it.

Stash Review: Save & Invest with the Same App

Stash is a micro-savings and micro-investments app that gives users access to investment accounts, and teaches them how to invest. Stash may be the perfect platform for a new investor to begin their investment journey.If you’ve wanted to invest but are having trouble getting started, Stash may be just what you need.

How to Use a Health Savings Account: Understanding How HSA Accounts Work

The Health Savings Account is a tax-advantaged health cost savings plan used with your employer's high deductible health plan. Also known as an HSA, it can help you cover healthcare expenses, save money on taxes, and even save money for retirement. Find out how to use a Health Savings Account to your advantage.

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